Morning Mimosa
Hailing from the sunny state of Florida, Morning Mimosa is set to
help host another unforgettable extravaganza right in her own
backyard—a second Mare Fair! A charming blend of nerdy and
eccentric, this earth pony can be a real hoof-ful. Don't be fooled by her unassuming appearance, though! Beneath
her seemingly reserved exterior is a true wild card, ever ready to
dive into unforeseen adventures (which she'll undoubtably ramble on
about for months on end). To put it briefly, if somepony offered her
20 bucks to wrestle a gator...
She's getting that 20 bucks.
Around others, she's unmistakably the nerd that everypony's already
familiar with. But once the lights dim and the festivities commence,
prepare to be captivated by an entirely different mare...